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Coronavirus: Post­pone­ment of the start of lec­tures in the sum­mer semester 2020

11.03.2020, Press Release :

On March 10, the Bavarian cabinet decided in a meeting regarding the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus to postpone the start of the summer semester at the universities of applied sciences until April 20. This also applies to the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences.

At all state colleges and universities in Bavaria, the summer semester does not begin until after the Easter holidays.

By postponing the start of lectures, however, the total teaching time in the summer semester 2020 must not be reduced. The aim of these and other measures - such as the ban on events with over 1,000 participants in Bavaria - is to protect the health system and the population.

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences also canceled the "Campus Compact" university information day, which should have taken place on March 24.

[Translate to English:] Leerer Hörsaal (opens enlarged image)