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In­ter­na­tional se­cur­ity policy and cli­mate pro­tec­tion: HNU Winter School 2019/20

28.02.2020, Uni­versity News :

Political and economic education is important for globally and responsibly thinking specialists and managers of tomorrow. The Winter School, founded by Prof. Dr. Michael Gutiérrez, provides students with practical expertise on international security policy and climate protection.


As part of the first thematic focus "International Security Policy", the students visited the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, a study center supported by the United States Department of Defense and the German Federal Ministry of Defense. First, Staff Sergeant Mark Winkler gave an overview of the Center's history and study programs, which include military personnel and civilian government officials at the highest levels and from numerous countries around the world. Prof. Dr. Ralf Roloff then spoke about the challenges facing an open global society and how to overcome them. In this context, interesting links were also established with the second main topic, climate protection.

In the second thematic focus, the study group visited the Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research/Atmospheric Environmental Research (IMK-IFU), which belongs to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). In lectures and discussions, the students gained exciting insights into the methods and results of climate research. An excursion along the educational trail "Climate & Water in Transition" served to illustrate and deepen the findings. The speakers in this focal point of the Winter School were Dr. Richard Knoche, Benjamin Birami, Dr. Wolfgang Junkermann, Matthias Perfahl and Johannes Schäffler sen.; in addition, Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Hintennach could be won for the event, who gave interesting insights into the future of electromobility and battery development. The students were able to acquire knowledge relevant to practice and business administration from various perspectives as well as skills in important fields of action in climate protection.

In addition, the digital business game KEEP COOL mobil, moderated by Prof. Gutiérrez, aimed to combine the requirements of climate protection with responsible economic decisions and investments in innovative research projects. The game illustrates the central challenges, but also the conflicting goals that currently characterize the political and social discussion like no other topic.

In­ter­na­tional se­cur­ity policy and cli­mate pro­tec­tion: HNU Winter School 2019/20