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In­noSÜD View­points

04.12.2019, Trans­fer :

Around 200 guests came to the InnoSÜD Viewpoints at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences on 20 November to discuss the topic of sustainability.

Impulses for this were provided by a lecture by the former Federal Minister of Education and Research Dr.h.c.mult. Annette Schavan, a panel discussion of local actors* and keynote speeches from various InnoSÜD subprojects. A market place in the foyer of the university provided an opportunity for exchange afterwards.

More information about the InnoSÜD Viewpoints (opens in a new window)


Gesprächsrunde in der Mensa, vorne links  Professor Dr. Thomas Bayer, am Mikrofon Ivo Gönner (opens enlarged image)Fotograf: Bernd Jaufmann
InnoSÜD Blickpunkte