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Sales strategies for IT sure – tar­get group seg­ments for CUBE | Man­aged Ser­vices

02.05.2018, Centre for Growth and Sales Strategy :

Prof. Kracklauer, Mrs. Schill and the students from the Bachelor's programme "Strategic Market and Sales Management" welcomed Mr. Staiger (Managing Director), Mr. Steinborn (P.A. to CEO/ Account Manager) and Mr. Stoll (Account Manager) from IT sure GmbH at the Vöhlin Castle in Illertissen last Friday.

The occasion was the final presentations at the concept seminar with the aim of identifying customer segments and developing go-to-market strategies for the new service product CUBE | Managed Services. The Managed Service Programme CUBE ensures an orderly management of IT and is a service you can touch. 
The company representatives were enthusiastic about the creativity and diversity of the students and are happy to take the impulses into their everyday work. 

We are looking forward to the joint BBQ on the roof terrace of IT sure in June and thank you for the cooperation. 

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