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Concept sem­inar in the im­me­di­ate vi­cin­ity

28.03.2018, Centre for Growth and Sales Strategy :

Identification of customer segments in Ulm's medium-sized businesses and sales arguments for a full service IT service

The neighbourhood of IT sure GmbH and the Competence Centre for Growth and Sales Strategies at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences is the starting point for a joint practical project in the area of "Strategic Market and Sales Management". IT sure is an IT system house in the Edison-Allee in Neu-Ulm with a fascinating...ending history, attractive company building and a prime example of an entrepreneurial personality: Manuel Staiger, owner and managing director, founded IT sure in 2003 and is an alumnus of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences. Today the company offers full service IT solutions with its own cloud infrastructure for SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) and has 45 employees.

Last Friday, Mr. Manuel Staiger (Managing Director), Mr. Marc Ziesche (Sales Manager), Mr. Dominikus Stoll (Account Manager) and Mr. Sascha Vidal (Marketing) welcomed the student groups and Prof. Dr. Alexander H. Kracklauer for the kick-off event as part of the concept seminar in the premises of IT sure GmbH.

Over the next five weeks, the student groups have the task of designing a strategy for the market launch of an IT service product.
Florian Steinborn, P.A. to CEO/ Account Manager, will be one of the people who will be in charge of the project from IT sure. We would like to thank Mr. Staiger and his staff for the friendly reception and the excellent briefing.