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Student health training: Successful continuation of the “Ergo-Guide” project at HNU

28.10.2024, Study:

The Faculty of Health Management at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) is successfully continuing the innovative “Ergo-Guide” health project in cooperation with AOK Günzburg. 15 students from the Business Studies in Healthcare Management, Digital Management in Medicine and Care and Physician Assistant (PhA) courses recently completed the second training course and dealt intensively with the promotion of physical health in everyday student life.


As part of this free training, the participants acquired skills to actively motivate their fellow students to take part in five-minute exercise breaks during lectures as “Ergo-Guides” and thus make an important contribution to the health culture at HNU. The exercises, which aim to activate the muscles, stimulate the cardiovascular system and increase concentration, are intended to support students' physical and mental performance in the long term.

“With the 'Ergo-Guide' project, we want to establish a holistic approach to health promotion among students and initiate positive behavioral changes in the long term,” explains Ottmar Pfanz-Sponagel, movement expert at AOK Günzburg and trainer of Ergo-Guides. “Students who actively participate in the exercises not only create a basis for healthy learning, but also promote their future occupational health.” The two-hour training course ensures that the movement exercises are implemented professionally in everyday student life.

Prof. Dr. Mario Pfannstiel from the Faculty of Health Management at HNU supports the project scientifically and emphasizes the importance of health promotion during their studies: “Participation in the training requires courage and commitment. The students gain valuable experience in leading groups and promoting health-conscious behavior, which will also benefit them later in their careers.” The scientific monitoring of the project ensures that the effects of the exercise breaks on the health and well-being of the students are continuously analyzed and optimized.

The Dean of the Faculty of Health Management, Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister, has supported the project from the outset: “We are delighted that the ‘Ergo-Guide’ program has met with such a positive response from students. The promotion of health is a central component of education and we look forward to continuing this project in the future.”

The results and effects of the “Ergo-Guide” project will be further researched and evaluated as part of academic theses. Further training is already planned for the 2025 summer semester in order to qualify even more students for health promotion.


Prof. Dr. Mario A. Pfannstiel (opens in a new window) is Professor of Business Management in Healthcare at the Faculty of Health Management at HNU

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Participants in the second Ergo-Guide training course and Ottmar Pfanz-Sponagel, exercise expert at AOK Günzburg and trainer of Ergo-Guides