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HNU honored for out­stand­ing stu­dent health man­age­ment

01.02.2024, Press Release :

Student Health Management at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) demonstrates a pioneering role in the Corporate Health Award 2023 and receives "Excellence Status". With an implementation rate of 89 percent, HNU is just above the average for all German universities. The structure, strategy and range of services were evaluated.

Since 2020, HNU has been pursuing the goal of promoting the mental and physical health of students with its "Healthy University" SGM. Needs-based measures and offers are derived from student health surveys. The second survey was conducted in 2023.

Joshua Baaken, Head of the Corporate Health Awards at EUPD Research, congratulates HNU: "The university demonstrates a holistic and strategic approach to student health management, including the establishment of an SGM steering committee, data-based development of health measures and continuous evaluation of success. These measures have led to a remarkable improvement in the area of student health management and deserve the excellence status in the Corporate Health Awards."

HNU Vice President Prof. Dr. Julia Kormann and Project Manager Christoph Giebeler are delighted that HNU's commitment has been recognized with this award. "Health literacy is an important future skill for our students. It encompasses both the knowledge of and the motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle. Our Student Health Management contributes to this. I am particularly pleased about the numerous colleagues from teaching and administration at HNU as well as students who are involved in our working group," said the Vice President.

Range of services

HNU scored particularly well in the area of range of services. With 91 percent, it is well above the average of other universities (81 percent). HNU achieved 100 percent in the sub-areas of mental health and study-life balance, which is not least due to the individual counseling services offered by the "BIZEPS - Counseling and Information Center for Parents, Personal and Social Issues". The needs-based offers range from sports and exercise courses to mental health offers and seminars on topics such as stress prevention, resilience and time management.

Involvement of status groups
In the area of status group participation, HNU also achieved a top score of 92% for its approach. Students, teaching staff and other university members active in SGM are involved in all relevant processes and decisions and sensitized to the various factors influencing individual health.

The Healthy Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences is supported by the Förderverein der Hochschule Neu-Ulm e.V. and the Techniker Krankenkasse.

The Corporate Health Award is a joint initiative of EuPD Research Sustainable Management and the Handelsblatt Media Group and is the most prestigious award for strategic corporate health management in Germany.