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Space Ses­sion Vol. 12: In­sights into the found­ing of FACE-OFF Neu-Ulm

06.11.2024, Trans­fer :

On October 24, 2024, Lou and Lucas from FACE-OFF Neu-Ulm took the audience of Space Session Vol. 12 in the Founders Space at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) on a journey through the first years of their company. In an open discussion, the couple gave students and interested parties insights into their founding story, which was characterized by unexpected twists and turns, challenges, successes and valuable learning processes. Afterwards, participants were able to experience the company first-hand and take part in the FACE-OFF team challenges themselves

In a relaxed atmosphere, Lou and Lucas described how FACE-OFF emerged from a spontaneous idea four years ago and developed into a successful company. Lucas, who originally worked in the electrical engineering industry and not in the leisure sector, initially had no concrete start-up plans.

Inspired by a men's weekend and the idea of “Schlag den Raab”, he spontaneously quit his job and laid the foundations for FACE-OFF. What Lucas brings to the team in terms of entrepreneurial spontaneity, Lou, who studied at HNU, makes up for with a structured approach.

Lou still works as an independent consultant and uses this external perspective to continue developing FACE-OFF together with Lucas. The company has now grown and has four locations. “Things always turn out differently than planned,” they told the audience with a smile.

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[Translate to English:] In einer offenen Gesprächsrunde gaben Lou und Lucas von FACE-OFF Neu-Ulm Studierenden und Interessierten Einblicke in ihre Gründungsgeschichte.