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Kick-off work­shop: Cir­cu­lar eco­nomy pro­ject launched in Ethiopia

14.11.2024, Trans­fer :

New impetus for the circular economy in Africa: at the beginning of November, the German, Ethiopian and Senegalese project members of the new circular economy project “Strengthening Circular Economy for Agribusiness” (SCEFAB) came together in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa for a one-week kick-off workshop. As part of the project, the University Gaston Berger in Senegal (UGB), Bahir Dar University in Ethiopia (BDU) and Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) are working together on practical modules for African students.

The workshop focused on planning a cross-faculty study module called “Founders Lab”. In this innovative, practice-oriented and interdisciplinary module, international student teams receive training and coaching in order to develop customized and sustainable business models in connection with the circular economy, particularly in the field of agriculture. The students present their ideas and business models at annual pitch events, where they are supported by university and industry partners as mentors.

Workshop provided new food for thought with an introduction to the circular economy and presentations  

During the kick-off workshop, the participating teachers were given an introduction to the concept of the circular economy so that various local use cases could already be generated in small teams. In addition, the potential of the two African countries with regard to the use of renewable energies, which are indispensable for a circular economy, was discussed. Presentations on the topics of “Digital Finance” and “Blockchain in the coffee value chain” also provided new perspectives and food for thought for all participants.

Supporting program offered insights into Ethiopian culture

The excursions to Addis Ababa University, Bita Coffee and the Kazana Group offered practical insights into local companies and initiatives. A cultural program - including a visit to a traditional restaurant and traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremonies - rounded off the kick-off week. The non-Ethiopian participants were also delighted to receive a special gift: representatives of the BDU presented them each with a gabi, the traditional Ethiopian garment. 

Project kick-off lays the foundation for international cooperation

The workshop in Addis Ababa was a successful start to the project for all participants, laying the foundations for fruitful international and interdisciplinary cooperation. Like SCEFAB itself, the workshop was supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

More about SCEFAB

By developing practical modules on entrepreneurship, the SCEFAB project is making a key contribution to strengthening the labor market in Ethiopia and Senegal and reducing the migration of skilled workers from the global South to the global North. The modules, which are integrated into the curricula of the two African universities, serve to develop circular solutions, particularly in the agricultural sector. In addition, study-related, labor market-relevant offers are implemented at the African partner universities UGB and BDU through the further development of the existing incubation centers “UGB Incubateur” and “Entrepreneurship Development and Incubation Centre (EDIC)”.

Prof. Dr. Elmar Steurer
Inken Hoeck