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Sur­vey: Are re­gional com­pan­ies ready for vir­tual real­ity?

04.12.2020, Trans­fer :

The Digitisation Centre Ulm | Alb-Danube | Biberach, the InnoSÜD sub-project "Virtual and Augmented Digital Transformation" and the Institute for Digital Transformation at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences are calling on companies in the Danube-Iller-Riss region to participate in the study.

Virtual, Augmented, Mixed and Extended Reality: Virtual worlds and hybrids of real and virtual worlds offer more and more possibilities - from gaming and entertainment to more efficient planning and management in industry.

For example, multi-page panoramic views of production facilities make planning work easier and help to identify costly planning errors and revise the 3D design accordingly.

How companies in the Danube-Iller-Riss region feel about the technology and how it is already being used there will be investigated in a study by the Digitisation Centre Ulm | Alb-Danube | Biberach, the InnoSÜD sub-project "Virtual and Augmented Digital Transformation" and the Institute for Digital Transformation at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences.

Starting on 1 December, they will be interviewing representatives of companies from all sectors and sizes in an online survey. Small and medium-sized companies are in particular focus. The aim is a cooperation between the InnoSÜD sub-project and SMEs in the region in order to successfully master the hurdles of the digital future. The survey is particularly aimed at people in leading positions.

To the survey: Study on virtual worlds (opens in a new window) - How ready is the region for VR? (survey in German)

Person wearing VR glasses in front of a screen. (opens enlarged image)
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