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Academic Ceremony 2023: Center for Continuing Education honors graduates

10.07.2023, Press Release :

Bachelor and MBA graduates were honored by the Center for Continuing Education (ZfW) at Neu-Ulm University (HNU) for their successful part-time degree. One graduate of the MBA Digital Leadership and IT Management received the "Neu-Ulm University Award for Continuing Education Studies" for her outstanding master's thesis with an innovative digitalization approach in the hospital sector.

With about 150 people, the Center for Continuing Education at Neu-Ulm University celebrated the Academic Ceremony 2023 in the premises of the university and on the campus grounds. 95 students successfully completed their continuing education studies at HNU this academic year.

Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister, Vice President for Continuing Education and Interdisciplinary Health, opened the ceremony with a speech that she placed under the quotation of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: "To begin is strength, to be able to complete is power." She warmly congratulated the graduates on their success, pointing out the additional burden of in-service training. "If, according to Goethe, 'To accomplish is strength,' then I would like to take off my imaginary hat at this point and tell you: accomplishment is not just strength and perseverance; accomplishment means discipline, excellent time management and, above all, the will to face challenges. You can be proud of what you have achieved!" she praised the graduates.

Award for the best master's thesis for innovative digitalization approach in the hospital

This was followed by Prof. Dr. Achim Dehnert's laudation for the best master's thesis from the MBA Digital Leadership and IT Management program, entitled "Implementation of a nursing software on an acute orthopedic ward in the RKU- University and Rehabilitation Clinics Ulm - using the example of digital nursing".

For this innovative contribution in the area of hospitals, the sponsoring association of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences e.V., represented by the association's chairman Günter Augustin, presented Silvana Lamparska with the "Neu-Ulm University Award for Continuing Education".

The award "Best of the Year in MBA Leadership and Management in Healthcare", endowed with 1000 Euros, was presented to Prof. Dr. Markus Huber-Lang by Sophia Dolderer from Prospitalia GmbH.

Subsequently, four graduates were honored for their outstanding achievements as best of the year and each received a book voucher as well as an education voucher from the Förderverein der Hochschule Neu-ulm e.V.: Sandra Päßler (MBA General Management, grade 1.1), Prof. Dr. Markus Huber-Lang (MBA Leadership and Management in Healthcare, grade 1.1), Silvana Lamparska (MBA Digital Leadership and IT Management, grade 1.2) and Tanja Yvonne Rieger (B.A. Management for Healthcare and Nursing Professions, grade 1.4).

The traditional hat toss - again the special highlight of the evening for many graduates and their relatives - was musically accompanied by the band "Two or Company" under the direction of Prof. Dr. Claudia Kocian-Dirr and Thomas Dirr. At the subsequent get-together with buffet in the refectory, the guests let the evening come to an end on the lakeside terrace.