Start of study

Everything is new and exciting: new surroundings, new lectures, new friends, maybe even a new flat or flat share. You should be able to find your way around Neu-Ulm University (HNU) as quickly as possible. Enclosed you will find some helpful information.

In­tro­duc­tion week

Each semester at HNU begins with the legendary "O-Phase" (orientation phase) for all newly enrolled students. Find out everything about the events and procedure of the introductory week.

First steps at the uni­versity

eLearn­ing & Moodle

Find out how you can use HNU's e-learning offers and digital resources.

The Cam­pus Portal

In the Campus Portal you can, among other things, view your personal data and access important certificates related to your studies.

The In­tranet

All internal information or in-depth topics can be found on the HNU intranet.

Tech­nical ba­sics

You will learn about the technical basics such as setting up and checking the university mail account or about printing and copying.

Fre­quently searched

Units Study & Ex­am­in­a­tion

The university's Study & Examination Offices are your contact, information and advice points for all questions related to studying (application, admission, enrolment, etc.).

Top­ics A-Z

Here you will find the most important organisational topics as well as the relevant contact persons for studies and examinations.


The HNU library offers access to an extensive stock of analogue and digital specialist media. You can also get advice on scientific work, among other things. The library offers many informative video tutorials on its Youtube channel.

Cafet­eria & Mensa

There is a mensa and a cafeteria at HNU. Here you will find information about the opening hours and the meal prices in addition to the menus.