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HR meet­ing of the Ulm in­nov­a­tion re­gion

06.06.2024, Post­gradu­ate :

On 6 June, around 30 HR managers from the Ulm innovation region met in the Innovation Space to discuss the ‘Changing job profiles through AI’ at the HR get-together organized by the Centre for Postgraduate Education of the University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm.

Hosted by the Center for Continuing Education, the HR get-together focused on the highly topical subject of "Changing job profiles through AI". 30 HR managers from regional companies accepted the invitation to find out about the latest developments and their impact on the world of work.

Simone Strobel, Managing Director of the Ulm Innovation Region, opened the event together with Prof. Dr. Jens Kolb, Vice President for Transfer & Continuing Education at HNU.

In his inspiring presentation, Prof. Dr. Jens Kolb spoke about current trends and developments in AI technology, explained the potential impact on job profiles and industries and addressed the opportunities and challenges of these changes. He concluded by presenting strategies for preparing for and utilizing future developments.

After the informative presentation, the participants had the opportunity to exchange ideas and network in a relaxed atmosphere at a get-together. The HR meeting of the Ulm innovation region once again showed how important dialog and cooperation between science and business are in order to successfully meet the challenges of digital transformation.