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New part-time edu­ca­tional pro­gram at HNU: Di­git­iz­a­tion in health­care

03.06.2022, Press Release :

In the part-time educational program "Digitization in Healthcare", specialists and executives in the healthcare industry learn from lecturers with practical experience at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences about the latest knowledge on the political, legal and technological issues of digitization - online.

Starting in the winter semester 2022/23, participants in the new additional qualification will have the opportunity to learn about the following topics in weekly online sessions: political frameworks and legal foundations of digitalization/CI, digital innovations and technologies, market access and reimbursement of digital health services, platform economy and digital business models, digital health in healthcare practice, digital health marketing and digital health communication, and digital working environments and change management.

As digitalization impacts almost all areas of healthcare, it requires professionals and managers to adopt appropriate strategies in their day-to-day work. Participants are enabled to derive, implement, and reflect on these strategies for their own day-to-day work.

The six-month online program starts on September 13, 2022, with sessions taking place via Zoom from 6 to 9:15 p.m., with a maximum of four classes per week. Neu-Ulm University awards a certificate of participation upon successful completion. There are no prerequisites for participation. The cost of the course is: 2,400 euros net plus 19% VAT (2,856 euros gross). There is a special price for HNU alumni: 1,900 euros. Please register for the educational program "Digitization in Healthcare" by September 6, 2022 by email to:  

More information about the program:

Contact and contact person

Responsible for the program: Professor Dr. Patrick Da-Cruz

Professor Roger Jaeckel, Honorary Professor at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

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