Local Erasmus+ Ini­ti­at­ive Neu-Ulm

Motivating students for an Erasmus+ stay abroad and supporting international students in their orientation at HNU: This is the aim and task of the student university group ‘LEI Neu-Ulm’ (Local Erasmus+ Initiative). Directly from students for students. 

The “LEI Neu-Ulm” provides exciting activities for international exchange and encourages students to take part in an Erasmus+ funded stay abroad.

LEI team members are also contact persons for all international exchange and degree-seeking students. They help with questions about daily student life. 

To carry out these activities, the “LEI Neu-Ulm” receives funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), which is provided to the International Office and coordinated by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). This means that the events have reduced prices for students. 

International exchange opens doors to new cultures and inspires a more global understanding of our world.

LEI Member of the HNU

The LEI Neu-Ulm of­fers:

  • Information and get-together activities for local and international exchange and degree-seeking students
  • Joint visits to cultural and sport events 
  • Activities in the Twin-City Neu-Ulm/ Ulm and excursions in the region

Are you interested in joining or do you have questions about the LEI Neu-Ulm?

Then please contact the LEI Neu-Ulm: lei[at]hnu[dot]de


In­ter­na­tional Of­fice – Gen­eral en­quir­ies