Hochschule Neu-Ulm

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Our range of courses is diverse. The focus: the perfect mix of theory and practice.

Business administration is an essential component and can be combined with technology, communication, IT or health management, depending on the course.

News from the HNU

01.07.2024, Press Re­lease: HNU signs co­oper­a­tion agree­ment with Uganda Man­age­ment In­sti­tute

Sensitizing African students to the use of IT in logistics: This is the aim of the cooperation project "Digital Logistic Services and Entrepreneurship" (DLSE), which Neu-Ulm University of Applied…

24.06.2024, Press Re­lease: Fo­cus on bank mer­gers: Daniel Gastl speaks at the HNU Man­age­ment Forum

„Mergers & Acquisitions im Mittelstand am Beispiel der Bankenfusion der Sparkasse Schwaben-Bodensee und Günzburg-Krumbach“ (in English: "Mergers & Acquisitions in SMEs using the example of the bank…

17.06.2024, Trans­fer: Di­git­al­iz­a­tion and sus­tain­ab­il­ity in Africa: top­ics of the fu­ture at HNU's 5th Africa Day

Where does Africa stand in terms of digitalization and sustainability? What are the needs and opportunities? How can synergies be created? The Africa Institute at Neu-Ulm University of Applied…

12.06.2024, Study: Sum­mer School awakens en­thu­si­asm for the world of crypto­cur­rency and block­chain

Diving deep into the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain and learning about their use: this was made possible by a summer school held by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at…

FUTURE CODE BAYERN (opens in a new window)

An initiative of the Bavarian universities.