Professor Dr. Erica Weilemann
Professorin in der Fakultät IM Praktische Informatik mit speziellem Fokus auf Didaktik
- Academic Writing and Research Methods (IMUK5)
- Grundlagen der objektorientierten Programmierung mit C# (GPM1)
- Programmiertechnik (IMUK1)
- Projekt zum objektorientierten Programmieren (IMA1, DEM1, DSM1)
- Wirtschaftsmathematik und Statistik (GPM2)
- Weilemann, Erica and Brune, Philipp (2021) How to Staff Software Engineering Team Roles Using the Concept of Personality? – An Exploratory Study. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies ; 3 / Rocha, Alvaro et al. (Eds). Cham: Springer, pp. 271-284. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; 1367). ISBN 9783030726607
- Weilemann, Erica and Brune, Philipp (2020) The Influence of Personality on Software Quality – A Systematic Literature Review. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST’20) "Trends and Innovations in Information Systems and Technologies" ; Vol. 1, April, 7-10, 2020, Budva, Montenegro, pp. 766-777. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; 1159). ISBN 9783030456887
- Bergande, Bianca and Weilemann, Erica and Brune, Philipp (2020) Exploring students perspectives on learning by teaching. (öffnet neues Fenster) Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education : JARHE, 12 (5). pp. 1221-1231. ISSN 2050-7003
- Weilemann, Erica (2020) The influence of personality on software quality. (öffnet neues Fenster) Dissertation thesis, Universität Stuttgart.
- Gressmann, Anne and Weilemann, Erica and Meyer, Dany and Bergande, Bianca (2019) Nao Robot vs. Lego Mindstorms: The Influence on the Intrinsic Motivation of Computer Science Non-Majors. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 19th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, November 23rd, 2019, Koli, Finland.
- Weilemann, Erica and Brune, Philipp (2017) Learning Core Concepts of Business Information Systems Engineering by Teaching–Lessons Learned from a Comparative Teaching Experiment. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Recent Advances in Information Systems and Technologies. ; 1 / Conference Proceedings WorldCIST 2017 / Rocha, A. u.a. (Eds). Cham: Springer, pp. 917-926. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; 569). ISBN 9783319565347
- Weilemann, Erica and Brune, Philipp and Gill, Asif Qumer (2016) Do They Miss the Lectures? – Flipped Classroom Perception by Software Engineering Students. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Proceedings of the 2nd Europeean Conference on Software Engineering Education (ECSEE 2016) / Hagel, Georg ; Mottok, Jürgen (Hrsg.). Seeon Monastery, Germany: Shaker Verlag, pp. 245-249. ISBN 9783844045154
- Bartel, Paula and Bartel, Alexander and Ebert, Michael and Müller-Amthor, Martina and Weilemann, Erica and Brune, Philipp and Hagel, Georg (2016) Learning Programming Languages through Input-Providing Tasks. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 10-13 April, 2016, Abu Dhabi, United Arab, pp. 419-424. ISBN 9781467386340
- Janke, Erica and Brune, Philipp and Wagner, Stefan
Does Outside-In Teaching Improve the Learning of Object-Oriented Programming? (öffnet neues Fenster)
In: (Proceedings of the) 37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Vol.2, May, 16-24, 2015, Florenz, Italy, pp. 408-417.
ISBN 9781479919345
Volltext abrufen - Weilemann, Erica and Brune, Philipp (2015) Less Distress with a Scrum Mistress? On the Impact of Females in Agile Software Development Teams. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 24th Australian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC) ; Vol. 2, September 28 - October 1, 2015, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 3-7. ISBN 9781450337960
- Scherer, Amelie and Janke, Erica and Brune, Philipp (2014) Smartphone as a Teacher: Towards Interactive Game-Based Learning using Mobile Devices in Introductory Programming Education. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) European Conference on Software Engineering Education (ECSEE), November, 27-28, 2014, Kloster Seeon, Germany, pp. 229-233.
- Brune, Philipp and Leisner, Michael and Janke, Erica (2014) Towards an Easy-to-Use Web Application Server and Cloud PaaS for Web Development Education. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) 16th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), 20-22 August 2014, Paris, France.
- Janke, Erica and Studt, Reimer and Brune, Philipp (2013) Exposing Students to the Unfamiliar - Improving Software Engineering Teaching in Non-Major Computer Science Programs. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: (Proceedings of the) IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2013), 13.-15. March 2013, Berlin, Germany, pp. 1294-1298.
- Janke, Erica and Bartel, Alexander and Figas, Paula and Brune, Philipp and Hagel, Georg and Müller-Amthor, Martina (2012) Die Lehre von Software Engineering - eine Erhebung der Anforderungen aus der Praxis. (öffnet neues Fenster) In: Tagungsband Embedded Software Engineering Kongress (ESE), 3.-7- Dezember 2012, Sindelfingen, Germany, pp. 683-689.