Professor Dr. Andy Weeger

Professor für Informationsmanagement

Studiengangleiter Master of Strategic Information Management

Direktor am Institut für Digitale Innovation (IDI)

Telefon: 0731/9762-1522

Standort: Hauptgebäude A, A.1.46

Hochschule Neu-Ulm
Wileystraße 1
89231 Neu-Ulm
Professor Dr. Andy Weeger

Themen für Abschlussarbeiten

I am open for various topics, at the intersection between technology, organizations and individuals. Below some fields I am particularly interested in. However, if you have another topic in mind, do not hesitate to contact me to discuss your topic. Use Calendly (öffnet neues Fenster) to arrange a meeting.

    AI and creativity

    • What is the role of AI in creative processes?
    • How does AI relate to core values of creatives?
    • How does AI impact the multiple identities of creatives, and how do these impact the use of AI? 

    AI and behavioral change

    • How can conversational agents be used to motivate behavioral change (e.g.,  healthier or more sustainable behavior)?
    • How do interactions with conversational agents impact emotional regulation (e.g., stress, happiness, etc.)?
    • How can conversational agents help people coping with loneliness?

    AI and decision-making

    Algorithm aversion: Individuals’ reactions of individuals to decisions made by AI (favorable vs. unfavorable decisions)

    • How do individuals perceive AI-based performance evaluation?
    • How can algorithm aversion be overcome?
    • What determines perceptions of fairness of AI-decision making of individuals (e.g., employees, customers)?

    The influence of ethical AI on decision-making

    • How can ethical AI be defined? What are use-cases for ethical AI?
    • Who do individuals react when they perceive an AI ethical compared to when not?
      (E.g., does an AI that exposes ethical principles impact algorithm aversion?)
    • What types of explanations make the decision process more transparent and understandable? 
    • How can explanations be communicated to users such that they improve the user’s trust and improves human-AI collaboration (i.e., efficiency)?

    Paradoxes in AI implementation and use

    • What are specific paradoxes related to AI and use?
    • How do organizations deal with the paradoxes of implementing AI?

    Human-AI collaboration (hybrid intelligence)

    • How must AI systems be designed to work in synergy with humans?

    • How can these systems learn from and adapt to humans and their environment?

    • How can we ensure that they behave ethically and responsibly?

    • What are the specific challenges and benefits of human-AI collaboration, given the complementarity of their skills and abilities?

    • How can human-AI collaboration be used to improve learning systems (e.g., communicating intent and giving feedback) or staffing systems (who to staff on which project)?

    The interplay of IT and OT (production IT):

    • Developing and testing an ontology for IT and OT (characteristics of the technology, implementation, and management approaches) to better understand those two knowledge regimes.
    • How do (industrial) LCDP foster the interplay of IT and OT?
    • Literature review on cyber-resilience regarding OT to provide a synthesis of the existing knowledge on how to increase cyber-resilience
    • Literature review on different approaches to run/operate OT to develop an OT operating model


    seit 03/2021

    Professor für Informationsmanagement, HNU

    10/2019 - 02/2021

    Senior Director Strategy & Development, Global IT, Wieland Group
    Global verantwortlich für IT-Strategie, Business-IT Alignment, Projekt-Portfolio Management, Enterprise Architecture Management, Enablement/Training, Business Intelligence und Advanced Analytics, Post-Merger IT-Integration


    Senior Manager Digital Transformation, Wieland Group
    Verantwortung für die Digitalisierung bei Wieland mit Fokus auf interne Prozesse in HR und Finance  (Global HR Operating Model, Advanced Analytics, ESS, MSS, Process Mining, RPA)


    Head of Business-Engineers & Functional Leads, Wieland Group
    Globale Verantwortung für Business-IT Schnittstelle, Enterprise Architecture Management und Projekt-Portfolio Management
    Teil der Digitalisierungsinitiative mit Fokus auf Collaboration, Kommunikation und Analytics.


    Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter,HNU
    Anbahnung diverser Drittmittel-Forschungsprojekte, Aufbau Transfer-Formate im Institut für Dienstleistungsmanagement (CROSS), Diverse Forschungsprojekte und Lehraufträge

    Parallel Promotion an der Universität Bamberg, Dr. rer. pol, Thesis: "Operational Business-IT Alignment in Healthcare - Theoretical Foundation and Empirical Evidence"

    IT Project Manager, Wieland Group
    Projektleitung im Programm Global Master Data, Junior Projekt Manager für ein ERP-Roll-out Projekt in den USA
    Master-Studium, HNU
    Advanced Management, Information Management, Master of Science
    Bachelor-Studum, THU
    Digital Media, Bachelor of Arts
    Founder and Partner, vg mediastudio gmbh & co. kg
    Branding, Usability, Web und App Development (
    Trainee, suedfluegel werbeagentur
    Mediengestalter für Digital und Printmedien, IHK



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    Terminvereinbarung via Calendly (öffnet neues Fenster)